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The Union Cooperative Agricultural Credit and Rural of Haiti (UNICAGRIH) founded May 14, 2014 and held its first general meeting June 1, 2014 in the Northeast Department, Fort-Liberté. Whose fundamental objective to contribute to the decentralization of credit and savings services in Haiti and provide small Haitian farmers, rural women, small farmers, small beekeepers and Youth access to credit to avoid social exclusion in Haiti.

The withdrawal of the Haitian State vis-à-vis the rural population is and remains inexplicable and even imaginary. In Haiti, in full 21th century, there are remote rural areas, unbelievably, even a horse cannot walk into a small path marked by small Haitian farmers living in the remote rural areas.

From February 7, 1986 to the present, rural poverty in Haiti is something inexplicable. Since the year 2011 to date of 90% of small Haitian farmers live in subhuman conditions. Since 2012 to date Haiti faces a severe famine due to lack of agricultural production. 2014 Today more than 7.5 million Haitians are food insecure. Instead of telling the truth, the state does is lie to the population.

In a study conducted by the Union of Haitian Peasants (UHP), the Development Organization for Agricultural Production of  Haitian Farmers  (OADEPROPAH Haiti) and the Higher Institute of Training Cooperative (ISFOCOOP) of the University Queensland (UQ ) from 2014 to the present day, all 10 departments of Haiti are facing starvation and absolute rural poverty from 2014 to the present day more than 4.5 million small Haitians Farmers  live in absolute poverty, 2.5 million rural youth want to give up the rural areas to migrate to other countries and more than 3.5 million rural women living in absolute poverty and facing huge economic difficulties and 2.5 million children suffer from chronic malnutrition. In the Northeast Department, Fort-Liberté, the population of this region consumes only agricultural products from the neighboring territory and these products have been very dangerous for the health of the population or other products from other neighboring countries. No modernization cannot be done with credit to 15% or 20%. We need soft loans for access to inputs and small equipment secured by marketing.

Social exclusion in Haiti

In Haiti only 5 to 10% percent of people on hand the rich countries have access to credit. The social exclusion of the most despised social strata of Haiti and this entails that the rural exodus and the migration of the majority of the population to the big cities or their only chance is to take the Boat People in Nassau Bahamas, Miami or migrate to Brazil, Chile, Ecuador ...

Since May 2014, the Union Cooperative Agricultural Credit  and Rural of  Haiti (UNICAGRIH) noting that Haiti faces a severe famine due to lack of agricultural productivity, in partnership with the Development Organization for  Agricultural Production of Haitian Farmers (OADEPROPAH Haiti) and the support of the Higher Education Institute Cooperative (ISFOCOOP) of the University Queensland (UQ) a general meeting on the foundation of UNICAGRI and the establishment of the Rural Micro Credit for  Agricultural Production and system Corporate and Farm Insurance in Haiti.

Activities and Strategies...

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P.O.Box 13042 Delmas
Nord-est, Fort-Liberté, entrée route Ferrier Dorly
Campus of Queensland University (UQ)
Delmas 33, Village Montpellier, 3 Rue St - Paul
Phone (509) 22 09-6016 / 3908-8904 / 4221-4598